Sunday, August 26, 2012

This Post Comes To You In Two Parts

Part One.
I've heard from fairly reliable sources that later this year, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are going to be touring Singapore, Malaysia, Tuvalu and the Solomon Islands as official representatives of Her Majesty, the Queen. Of course, I'm getting super, super excited about this royal tour because of the massive success of the last on the Duke and Duchess went on, to Canada and the United States. 

Now, this tour to the South East won't be quite as grand or quite as special, but hopefully, we will see some lovely moments.

Part Two.
On Friday, John Green turned thirty-five.

This is John Green.
I really like John. It was his video, Thoughts on Romance and Sex in an Airport, that made me want to keep watching videos posted by the Vlogbrothers and become a Nerdfighter (I'll save the story of how and when and why I joined Nerdfighteria for another day). And, John's a writer, which is great, not only because I like and admire writers, but because it makes him one of the few YouTubers with an actual job.
But even if he didn't have an actual job, or any job, for that matter, he would still be one of the best vloggers around. Because John Green is made of awesome.

Happy birthday, John, and DFTBA.


PS. I was greatly saddened to hear the news of Neil Armstrong's death. He was my favourite astronaut.

Rest In Peace.

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