Monday, November 2, 2015

Happy Six Months!

I don't mean to jinx it, but so far so good.

Of course, I had to write today, because is a rather special day. Today, the most darling little girl on the whole planet, and my second favourite baby (sorry, but when she starts making faces like this, I'll reconsider) Princess Charlotte turns six months old!

I've grown quite fond of Charlotte in the six months that she's been around. I still don't love her as much as I love George, that's true, but in fairness, she hasn't been on a tour of another country yet, which means she hasn't quite had the chance to be photographed looking grumpy that George has.

Unfortunately, owing to my badly timed blog hiatus, I missed covering a few important moments in Charlotte's first six months, so I'm going to quickly go through them to bring you up to speed about the life of the first Princess born so high up in the line of succession to the British throne since Princess Anne.

Here Charlotte having her first official picture taken. She looks a bit confused, but also quite pleased with herself.

Here she is at her christening, crying in her mother's arms and waving her fat fists around. She's excused because she's a baby, and also adorable.

And here is George, wondering what would happen if he released the latch and sent his sister's pram rolling down the drive.

And here he is again, telling the Queen about his diabolical plan, because if anyone can understand how frustrating it is to have the your sister steal all the attention, it's Princess Margaret's older sister.

And here is Charlotte again, with her whole family after the christening. The women's dresses are very pretty, Prince Philip looks incredible for someone his age, and Prince Harry is noticeably absent, but the real star of the day is the baby (no, not you George)...

...who probably fell asleep as soon as the whole thing was over, and didn't remember any of it the next day.

Happy half-birthday, Charlotte. I'll always love you


Word Count for November (including yesterday's post): 873

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