Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fandom Wars!

I'm a week late because I kept my post on royal wedding dresses at the forefront for the duration of the countdown on Order of Splendor, and I maintained Internet silence yesterday because I was tracking Prince Guillaume's wedding.
The ceremony was great, the bride looked stunning, I loved what the guests were wearing, but I've forgotten all about it already.

After reading Twilight for the second time (I had no choice) I've decided to move onto New Moon. I read a bit about it on the Internet because I haven't seen the movie and I don't want all it's awfulness thrust upon me without warning. As I read, I realised one thing; there are a lot of Twilight fans on the Internet.

Fandoms are a big part of everything. How far would any book, movie, television show or franchise have gotten without one? Not very, that's how far.
The bigger fandoms have collective nouns for their community and, if they really are fantastic, symbols. Every fan knows these symbols and every fan reveres them.

So, you've got the Potterheads,

The Panemics,

The Twihards,

I don't know if that's the symbol Twihards follow. I've never been associated with one in any way.
The Olympians,

The Narnians,

The Whovians,

The Bronies, 

And the Pegasisters. I haven't forgotten them.

And the fans of Sherlock. I don't know what you call the fans of Sherlock so that's what I'm going to call them.
The Fans of Sherlock,

In the world of fandoms, it's usually a war. The Potterheads are perpretually at loggerheads with the Twihards, the Panemics have strained relationships with everyone, but are peaceful (which is odd, because you would have thought that obsessed readers of the Hunger Games would have been more cut-throat), the Olympians and Narnians don't like anyone much, the Whovians face constant competition from the Fans of Sherlock (because David Tennant cannot compete with Benedict Cumberbatch, how mcuh ever he travels through time) and so on.

Of course, some people become a part of multiple fandoms and then wander around torn between the two until they're driven mad. 

I'm a Potterhead for life, although I don't mind members of the other fandoms. No, not even Twihards.
After all, they are what makes the Internet fun.


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this article for the obvious reasons and giggled throughout the mini existence of it. And there's ought to be an article about fandoms nowadays in every blog/vlog cuz they can be so hillarious! And btw im a potterhead myself, infact its the first fandom i was introduced to and it remains the best! So nice to meet you fellow royal potterhead ;)
